Success Happens

2023.02.18 - Environmental Massacre, The Ohio Train Disaster



Guests: Senator Doug Mastriano - Pennsylvania (R-33), Chair of the PA Emergency Preparedness Committee  Amie Hoeber - AMH Consulting, Expert on Chemical and Biological Defense, Consultant to the U.S. Military, and Former Candidate for Maryland's 6th Congressional District Jennifer Charlton leads an important discussion with PA Senator Doug Mastriano and Amoretta Hoeber, Chemical and Bio weapons expert, about the condition of the region due to the "controlled chemical burn" with deadly chemicals including vinyl chloride, and the conditions that may have led to the disaster. A serious concern remains for the safety and well-being of the citizens, wildlife, businesses and environment in the impact area and beyond. The safety of the water and soil is still questionable, despite reassurances by the government that it is safe for citizens to drink the water and return to their homes.Over several weeks, the water and wind systems may have transferred the chemicals to outlying areas. Complaints have been made that