Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's February 19, 2023 Weekly Weather



A week of endings, sudden upsets and changes.  Uranus on the world point!  Uranus receiving aspects from Mercury and Venus on world points. There is a square from Mercury and a semi-square from Venus in Aries.  The New Moon in Pisces took place bright and early Monday morning.  Venus moved into Aries shorty after that, forming a semi-square to Uranus. Action and stress as a new cycle starts.  Lots of endings.  Another earthquake in Turkey and President Biden visiting the War Zone in Ukraine in Kyiv.  Lots of fiery, war energy this week. Ooodles of activity with all planets moving direct.   Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and now answering to Mercury in far seeing Aquarius. Fying high in Aquarius, state your dreams clearly!! You'll feel the energy shift as Mars reports to Mercury and suddenly he become airborn too. Venus in Aries answers to that out of bounds Mars so women are in the news this week!  Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, and Lilith in Leo!   We can go through it or we can grow