Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Feb 15 to 22



A busy week unfolds as Aquarius season ends and we move into Pisces season. The Sun conjuncts Saturn at 27 deg Aquarius on Feb 16 for the last time in 28 years, and we need to make important decisions around priorities, responsibilities, and boundaries that matter for the long term. Then the Sun enters Pisces on Feb 18, and the Pisces New Moon on Feb 19 opens up an energetic intention that Saturn will be working with throughout 2023 – this is an important new beginning period! Mercury in Aquarius is busy with numerous invigorating aspects, supporting you in crystallizing a vision, project, idea, or communications that can take you out of the ordinary. And Venus enters Aries on Feb 20, bringing you back into what you need and want now that connects with your frequency. Much more to share in this podcast episode.   Join us for the Awakening Astrology Retreat in Sedona, AZ from March 3 to 5! All details right here:   SHINE Your Guiding Light ~ Create a