80z Babies

Episode 172: A(n almost) Tribute to Things Fall Apart by The Roots



The 80z Babies pay tribute (mostly) to The Roots' classic fourth studio album entitled Things Fall Apart released February 23, 1999.   Timestamps: (0:22) Why doesn't this album excite Yinka? (1:15) Why aren't Be and Stillmatic albums worthy of tributes? (4:27) A brief mention of Jay Z's Unplugged (6:03) Is Black Through transcendent on this album? (9:45) Where was Yinka? (11:10) Where was Outlaw? (13:30) Did Things Fall Apart become a part of Outlaw's identity? (14:25) Critical reception (16:45) Overarching lowlights (21:21) Common's a pervert (25:38) Overarching highlights (37:03) Track for track analysis (1:10:50) Yinka attempts to make it a classic (1:18:20) Closing thoughts