3 Best Friends

Ep.117: Ten Indie Gems from Play NYC '22



Play NYC returned to downtown Manhattan for another jam-packed event filled with hidden indie gems. Straight off the subway, Mike and Harry break down their highlights from this year's show. Prepare yourselves: we're exhausted and disorganized. ----more---- - Games Discussed - 1000 Deathsby Pariah Interactive: https://1000deaths.tv/ Big Bossby Hamra Digital: https://www.hamra.digital/games Free Fallby Adbondonverse Games: https://zoeee.itch.io/freefall-2 Lucky 鱼by Mike Ren: https://mikeyren.itch.io/lucky Low Fightazby No Static Games: https://twitter.com/nostaticgames Project Anomaly: Urban Supernatural Investigatorby Dark Science: https://darksciencelabs.itch.io/projectanomaly-pilot Romancelvaniaby The Deep End Games: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1192810/Romancelvania/ Scrapeboardby Nugget: https://scrape.nugget.fun/ Shoulders of Giantsby Moving Pieces: https://www.movingpieces.io/sog Unwoundby Wirescribe Games: https://darksciencelabs.itch.io/projectanomaly-pilot ----more---- Six One Indie and TILT ar