3 Best Friends

Ep.123 [Part I]: The 2022 Peteys



Snarky sockmen, dripping nightmares, and powerful trombones: 2022 was another stellar year for indie games. The only way to properly celebrate all of the remarkable games we've played throughout the year is with our longest episode to date. Welcome to The 2022 Peteys.The Six One Indiecast records weekly live on YouTube.com/SixOneIndie every Thursday at 8PM EST, and publishes to all major podcast services the following Monday at 8AM EST.Want to be a part of the conversation? Join our Discord! https://discordapp.com/invite/SBUcDZk@SixOneIndie | www.SixOneIndie.comWant to catch the show early with bonus content? Consider becoming a Patron on Patreon.com/SixOneIndieMoney tight? That's okay! You can support Six One Indie for in many ways for free. How? By leaving this podcast a positive review, following us on socials, following on Twitch, subscribing on YouTube, and telling a friend or two about us! Any of these actions can help us reach more ears and eyes.@SixOneIndie | www.SixOneIndie.com