General Hospital Reviews And After Show

Nothing Says Happy Birthday Like a Snake in a Purse - 'General Hospital' After Show



Maxie says farewell to Obrecht before she goes overseas for trial.  Robert tells Obrecht he will continue to try to bring Peter down. Lulu and Brook Lynn continue to spar despite Dustin’s best efforts at peacemaker. Valentine and Laura meet to discuss Charlotte’s custody.  He’s willing to keep the joint custody in place and is asking Laura to her Lulu to do the same. Maxie and Lulu meet and Maxie tells Lulu that she is working with Valentine at Deception.  Lulu tries to tell her she can’t but Maxie shits that down quickly by saying that she wasn’t asking permission. Nikolas and Sonny finally talk and Sonny lays into him about what he did to Spencer and even goes so far as to say that he is more of a father to Spencer that Nikolas is now. Vilot’s birthday party is in full swing.  Robert arrives and pretends to bury the hatchet with Peter but he doesn’t buy it and bits a plan in motion to distract Robert. Charlotte reluctantly comes to the party with Lulu and also brings a snake with her as well.  It seem