General Hospital Reviews And After Show

'General Hospital' for April 27th - May 1st, 2020 Recap & After Show: Sam McCall: Busybody



Charlotte overhears Laura and Lulu talking about Valentine not fighting for custody of her.  Worried that he father is leaving town because of her, Charlotte leaves home and runs to Crimson where she finds Nina and Jax embracing.  Charlotte yells at Jax to leave Nina alone.  Nina and Jax talk with Charlotte and Nina also calls Valentine and Lulu to let them know where Charlotte is. Valentine arrives first and is able to talk to a Charlotte and tell her how much she loves her.  Charlotte begs how to stay with her.  Lulu arrives and Nina talks with her to give Valentine more time with Charlotte.  Afterwards, Valentine and Charlotte talk and agree that they need to do better as parents for Charlotte. Brando goes to Charlie’s to get food and runs into Sam and Kristina.  Molly sees him talking to her sisters and as he leaves the restaurant she wants to know if she’s said anything to her sisters about sleeping together.  Brando says no and heads back to his garage and let’s her know her car is ready. Molly tells