Think Business With Jon Dwoskin

What Is Spiritual Intelligence



Amy Lynn Durham’s clients call her the “Corporate Mystic.” Have you ever met someone who can magically combine the serious inner work we all need for achieving maximum results with fun, humor, and insight? Amy is that woman and she’s sharing her magic with clients who know that there’s more to life than just going to work every day like a robot and earning a paycheck. Amy is the Founder of Create Magic At Work™, where she uses her knowledge as an Executive Coach & certified Spiritual Intelligence Coach (SQ21, a faith-neutral system) to uniquely blend spirituality and business to assist clients in their personal, professional, and spiritual development. Amy is the host of the Create Magic At Work ® podcast, a top 10% globally ranked podcast and the author of the book by the same name. She is an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine and has been a guest on over 60 podcasts sharing her insights on how leaders in the workplace can become empowered and embrace their full potential. Amy draws on her past