The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

502 How Much Should We Divulge As The Leader?



There are lots of secrets for leaders.  They attend the executive meetings, the off-sites, the briefings from the big bosses and know what is going on before anyone else.  Divulging top secret corporate moves will get you fired, so leaders are usually tight-lipped about coming transformations, changes, expansions, downsizing etc.  This is fairly obvious and everyone knows where the boundaries are located regarding what you can and cannot say.  What about more personal matters though? Japan is a place where a secret is a precious thing.  Living cheek-by-jowl for centuries in small villages or packed together in urban concentrations, often with concrete walls which seem paper thin, keeping a secret is no mean task.  Like most cases for small cities around the world, everyone seems to know everyone else’s business.  Sometimes I am taken by surprise. Suddenly one of my staff will tell me that they have gotten married or that they have had a child.  Until the deed is done, Japanese are pretty silent about what is