Pixels & Pints

S1 E5.5: BHB - Segway to a Blind Man



In a continuation of our live streaming event at the historic Pumphouse Sydney, Chris and Pete start with their final opinion on Legion and how fantastic Chris Claremont is, and then launch straight into updates on our ongoing challenges – Dan spends a long time talking about Supergirl (again), almost sounding like he’s enjoying the show albeit with a constant finger on the fast-forward button; and Chris details why several hours of tutorial gameplay in Witcher 3 isn’t quite what he wanted out of a videogame. To close out this epic double-episode, and to the constant taunts of our Facebook Live listeners, Chris strongly defends his opinion that both G.I. Joe and the new Power Rangers movies were cinematic masterpieces!   Beers reviewed this episode: 4) Mountain Goat Beer – Attack of the Killer Hops – IPA – 7.7% 5) 4 Pines Brewing – Keller Door Cherry Coconut Brown – Brown Ale – 5.5%   For more info on your hosts and the podcast, please visit us at www.bhbanter.com. A very special thanks to our frien