Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 253: Applying the Science of Strength - Integrating Strength Training for Specific Athlete Populations



Strength and conditioning are an integral part of every Purple Patch Athlete’s training program. It is just one of our four Pillars of Performance: Endurance, Strength, Nutrition & Fueling, and Recovery. In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast Matt moves beyond how to build a strength program and the general benefits of strength training, and instead focuses on strength training as it pertains to three specific groups of athletes: Endurance Athletes Female Athletes - 35 to 60 years of age navigating perimenopause, and menopause. Mature Athletes - Men and Women over the age of 45. Matt provides research on how to leverage the benefits of strength training to tackle the unique physiological challenges each group faces. An Outline of the Discussion Defining strength and conditioning: A brief overview of strength training and the resources Purple Patch provides. The benefits of strength training for Endurance Athletes: Improving coordination, power, speed, endurance, and muscular resilience. How to