Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Climate Change: A New Religious Movement?



SUBSCRIBE to Kay & Olu Taiwo’s Youtube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/KayOluTaiwo Is Climate change real?Is Climate Change today's new religion?Does climate change activism suggest worshipping the creation rather than the Creator? Is this modern day idolatry? From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known by AOC, to teen age activist Greta Thunberg, to the godfather and the older generation's face of climate change, former VP, and politician Al Gore; all have one thing in common: an apocalyptic end of day doom and gloom proclamation about the earth's climate. But does this alarmism spell something deeper? Is this brainwashing Gen-Z to an unattainable quest? Does this movement act as a religious experience substituting the love for God for that of 'mother' earth? If your passion for the issue of climate change exceeds your passion for the gospel, you have an idol in your climate change advocacy. Al Gore (who is not a scientist but a politician) authored an apocalyptic book and movie titled, An Inconvenient