Better Call Saul Reviews & After Show

Lalo Unleashed! - S5 E10 ‘Better Call Saul’ After Show with Patrick Fabian



On the season 5 finale of Better Call Saul.... A.... LOT... HAPPENED. Jimmy tells Kim that he doesn't think he is "good for her", but Kim thinks otherwise. After Lalo drives away, Jimmy and Kim go to a hotel because they do not feel safe at the apartment. The next morning Kim decides to go to work against Jimmy's discretion. Kim wants to work on all of the hardest cases and gets access to the backlog file room of cases. She fills a box with case files and goes to the elevator and runs into Howard Hamlin. Howard introduces Kim to the people he is with and learns that she has left Mesa Verde. Howard follows Kim and shares with her the horrible things Jimmy has been doing to him these past couple of weeks. Kim takes the news with laughter and is insulted by Howard's "attempt" at digging at Jimmy. Kim goes straight home to find a solemn Jimmy. Earlier, while Kim was at work, Jimmy went to visit Mike to get answers. Mike calms Jimmy down and informs him that Lalo is going to be killed tonight. Jimmy exhales and he