Relatively Geeky Network

QBP #189 - The Falcon #1



Quarter-Bin Podcast #189The Falcon #1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated November 1983."Winners and Losers," by James Owsley, Paul Smith, and Vincent Colletta.What happens when Professor Alan tackles one of the early Marvel Limited Series, and gets street level with Sam Wilson aka The Falcon?Listen to the episode and find out! Click on the player below to listen to the episode:  Right-click to download episode directly You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed. Promo: Rolled Spine Podcasts: Aliens Next Episode: The Maze Agency 12, Innovation Comics, cover-dated May 1990.Send e-mail feedback to "Like" us on Facebook at can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlanSource: World's Greatest Comics