Deception Detection Radio

In The Beginning With Zen Garcia



In the Beginning with Zen Garcia **Deception Detection Radio is about sharing the Word of God in Light of Biblical Prophecy. We also share views, research and findings we believe are deserving to be explored more in depth. That means not everything goes along with mainstream thinking. All we ask is for you to please take a listen and do your own resesrch before you make a decision of the guest's research and findings and before you write negative comments to Kay and Chad. Tonight on Deception Detection Radio with Kay and Chad, author and researcher, Zen Garcia is their special guest. This is a mind blowing episode guaranteed to make you stop and think. Have a pen and paper handy to note Zen's reference sources so you can check it all out for yourself.  So grab your Bible, coffee, kick back in your favorite chair and join Kay, Chad and Zen Garcia for this mind blowing broadcast.  If you enjoyed tonight's interview, please, like, share and subscribe. Deception Detection Radio can be heard on IHEARTRADIO. ITunes