Michigan Business Network

Media Business | Brandy Johnson - How the Media Deals with Community College and Talent Pipeline



Originally posted January 18, 2023. Tony Conley welcomes Brandy Johnson, President, MCCA - Michigan Community College Association. Johnson was selected as the President of MCCA in December 2021. Prior to this role, she served in the Governor’s administration, first as Governor Whitmer's education policy advisor and most recently served as a manager of the Office of Sixty by 30 within the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. In 2010, she founded the Michigan College Access Network and served as its Executive Director until 2019. Johnson also was a policy fellow and college access coordinator under Governor Jennifer Granholm. Johnson earned her bachelor’s degree in political science from Arizona State University and her master’s degree in public policy from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. Johnson was also appointed by Governor Whitmer to represent Michigan on the Midwest Higher Education Compact and served on Governor Snyder’s 21st Century Education