Your Mileage May Vary

Who Is Keith?, Labia Comments, Male Semen Eating, Penis Smell, Naked Youtube



We discuss Keith's past and future in response to a listener email asking for more details. A woman wants to know whether she should continue seeing a man after he made pretty aggressive comments about her labia. Another woman is concerned that her boyfriend's interest in semen, revealed while high, might be a dealbreaker. We discuss folks who fetishize finding pornographic content on Youtube. And, what are penises supposed to smell like? Finally, As it's the beginning of the month of February, I asked ChatGPT to compose me an Ode To Stupidity, which it did. Here's an excerpt for your enjoyment: Ode to Stupidity Oh, Stupidity, you ever-present blight, Your presence taints us day and night. You bring us down and make us weak, Your power is a force to be reckoned with. You crush our hopes and dreams, You make us doubt our worth and schemes. Your toxic presence makes us doubt our minds, Your power has no bounds or binds. You spread like wildfire and consume all in your path, Your destruction is a sight to beho