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Yes But Why ep 165 Win Kelly Charles is funny and witty and really inspirational!



This week’s Yes But Why episode is a chat with podcaster, writer, and journalist, Win Kelly Charles. Win is a total powerhouse of projects. She produces the Ask Win podcast, the Welcome to Journalism podcast, the Diary of a Fashionista podcast, and the Butterflies of Wisdom podcast! She writes books about her life and about living with cerebral palsy. She also writes novels about teachers and children’s books about butterflies! All the while, she is going to journalism school! Woo! We don’t know how she finds the time to do anything else but sleep. Still, she was kind enough to schedule some time to chat with Amy. In this episode, Win talks about her mission is to help others with physical and mental disabilities to find a way to tell their story. She talks about the “creative person syndrome” that keeps her juggling so many projects. She shares stories about the tragic event that led her to write her first book, about her love of Marc Maron and his interview with Barack Obama, and about the technology that i