Hc Universal Network

DnB Ep 226: Witnessing the Marfa Lights with Amy Jordan of the Yes But Why Podcast



In this special on location episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan travels to Marfa, TX for a birthday weekend with his wife Amy Jordan, host of the Yes But Why podcast. While there they visit the Marfa Lights viewing Center hopeful to see the famed Marfa Lights while recording this episode. What follows is an uncut recording of the first night’s viewing activity and a recap from our car ride discussing the second night of viewing and what we witnessed on the desert flats outside of Marfa.The first reports of the Marfa lights, or spirit lights were written in the late 1800’s, but the stories of the lights go back further than that in local Native American Lore. From ghosts of dead conquistadors who lost theirway in exploration of the area to will-o-the-whisps and even UFOs have been attributed to the Marfa lights. Some say they are mere car lights from a road in the distance, some that they are refractions iof light in a temperature aberration thatn creates a mirage type effect over the d