Hc Universal Network

Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Barry Papick and Joe Crawford



This is a packed double feature episode starring two amazing and accomplished entertainers. The first stars Actor, Director, and Top World-Class Acting Coach, Barry Papick will engage you and leave you with the drive to move now! He has been in many films and you may know him from epic television shows such as, "Swans Crossing," and more recently, "Shameless." Barry has recently appeared in "Labor Pains" with Lindsey Lohan, "Lake Effects" on The Hallmark Channel, and has guest-starred on the CBS show "Without A Trace." He is can be seen in Howard Stern's "Private Parts,"Andrew Nicol's "Simone," the feature film "Rejourer," and the television show "The Mason Twins" for NBC. He is currently the voice of GNC's advertising campaign "Beat Average."Barry is one of thee top Acting Coaches in the world and has been teaching and coaching actors for approximately 23 years. He has recently worked as the On-set Acting Coach for Dan Pritzker's soon to be released "Bolden," where he worked with the icon Dick Gregory. He is