Hc Universal Network

Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Sam McElroy and Eric James Morris



 This double header starts with guest Sam McElRoy , PYSD, NSSA, who is partner and founder of @financial. He and his firm uses a "client focused" approach and tailors solutions to both businesses and individuals from a holistic perspective. Sam graduated from Hampton University, magna cum laude, holds a Doctorate in Psychology, as well as, several financial licenses. He has been the recipient of several Humanitarian and Achievement awards, has contributed research examining social dynamics and methods for optimizing cooperation and efficiency in team, group, and work settings, and has been exploring unique insights with respect to the psychology of personal finance. On the show, we talk about how finance influences the way in which we react to things within our individual worlds, including towards ourselves. We also talk about how there must be an intentional change towards what we are doing with our finances if we want to see a different outcome and ultimately this is true if applied in most of the other are