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DnB 235: Raiding Area 51 and the Truth Behind the Navy UFOs REVEALED with Mike Turber of 5x5 News



In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan is once again joined by lead investigator and founder of 5x5 News, Mike Turber to discuss raiding Area 51 and the unrevealed truth behind the Navy UFOs being disclosed in the media.Somewhere on social media late one night a man makes post saying “If we all showed up and stormed the gates of Area 51 they couldn’t stop us…” and thus a movement was born. Despite a failed music festival attached to the supposed event and warning not to attempt a raid, will people actively show up on September 20th? What has the base done to prepare? What weapons and equipment have recently moved in during preparation for the coming masses? If you were on the ground and approaching the base what weapons would possibly be used against you to thwart your efforts?In December of 2017 the US Navy released video of “Tic-Tac” shaped UFOs captured on weapons cameras of fighter planes. The footage was amazing, but the media became almost silent and the public did not take