Christ Fellowship

Live by Design Ep. 3



Essential keys for following Christ The book of Ephesians answers questions that are vital to everyone who has committed their life to Jesus Christ: what does God expect from me, and how can I live this new life in Christ? While giving our allegiance to Jesus is essential, the greater part of our lives is spent learning to follow Jesus ever more closely. Ephesians 6 reveals how who we are in Christ must reshape our most vital relationships to match our relationship to Christ instead of conforming to a lost culture. To live by design requires a new design principle — new goals to aim for! Our model and example is Jesus Christ, who teaches us not only how our relationships must change but also about our need for God’s mighty strength and for prayer. The need to use that strength to block spiritual attacks by the evil one adds urgency to these changes Live by Design completes the design for following Jesus that God wants us to live by.