Night And Day-the Thom Jennings Archives

Bonus Episode- Todd Rundgren's Crusade as White Knight



In the spring of 2017 Todd Rundgren was gearing up to embark on one of his most ambitious tours in recent memory. The tour to support his "White Knight" album was a multimedia extravaganza, and the early dates included what Rundgren called a video "sandwich" that band members performed behind while Rundgren and The Global Girls performed up front.In this interview Todd discusses the origins of the album title, the passing of his mother Ruth, working with his son, and discusses the prospects of Utopia going out on the road without Todd Rundgren (a timely topic as Kasim Sulton gears up to do some shows billed as Kasim Sulton's Utopia).As usual, host Thom Jennings nervously chats with his musical idol, but the result is a conversation that the Rundgren faithful are sure to enjoy.For information or comments about the podcast please email