Chris Collins Show

Episode 1402: The Stalking Fields, Writer/Actor/Co-Producer Sean Crampton



Let’s get IT! CCS Season 14 has begun!  Writer/Actor Sean Crampton joins JUST TALKING to discuss his new action thriller, The Stalking Fields. A film about a group of civilians who find themselves trapped in a PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) training program. What starts off as a reasonable therapeutic exercise turns into a dark government experiment gone out of control. A mix of screaming pauses throughout this film openly question your morality — when is it right? What is wrong? “Everyone carries PTSD in certain ways.” Crampton’s father was a decorated Navy Seal for 27 years — you couldn’t throw a rock and not hit a military family! A picturesque example of the modern nuclear family prompted Crampton to take a deeper look into the American Dream. But it was Hollywood’s hyper-glamorized portrayal of combat that really fueled this film in a different direction to provide answers. HOW do we adequately address the reality of coming back home? Crampton’s father, Cramton Sr. served