Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 419: Cohabitating and Eating Plant Based



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Once you realize that nutrition plays a huge part in your overall health, you want the world to join you.  If eating can reverse lifestyle diseases, why wouldn't anyone want to try it. Obviously, there are many reasons, but everyone gets to make their own choices.  Answer questions, when asked, but at the end of the day look for things you share and strive to be the healthiest you can be.   The journey is important.  The journey or the process is more important than focusing on the outcome only. Each day we can do something positive to a healthier life.  Celebrate the wins and map out the road to your desired outcome.  Enjoy the journey and learn from it.   Happy Heart month.  See how many days you can get a walk/run in for the heart month.  An hour is a great goal for daily cardiovascular health.  I hope you enjoy today's tips.  Website: doctordulaney.com Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/17339