Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Tidepool Loop gets FDA approval - CEO Howard Look on what comes next



The US FDA has approved Tidepool Loop, an app designed to automate insulin dosing. Born out the do-it-yourself, "we are not waiting" movement, it has designs and features not in the first wave of commercial automated systems like Omnipod 5 and Tandem’s Control IQ. CEO Howard Look talks to Stacey about what was approved here and what Tidepool Loop is all about. If you’ve followed this story closely, you’re going to be surprised to learn about a few changes that have happened along the road to approval.. and to learn the questions that Tidepool will have to answer next. This podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider. Learn more about Tidepool: https://www.tidepool.org/ Our previous episodes with Howard Look:  Please visit our Sponsors & Partners - they help make the show possible! Take Control with Afrezza  Omnipod - Simplify Life Learn about Dexcom  Check out VIVI Cap to protect your insulin from extreme temperatures Learn mor