The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

501 Remembering Bill Oncken And Who’s Got The Monkey



I received a leave application request on a Saturday from one of my staff. It reminded me that we had missed our weekly meeting.  In fact, now that I think about it, we have missed quite a few of them, because of various scheduling conflicts.  My busyness has been a factor.  This made me recall that fantastic Bill Oncken and Don Wass article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) back in 1974 titled, “Management Time: Who’s Got The Monkey”.  In fact, HBR notes that this article is one of two of their best selling reprints ever.  If you haven’t read it, then take a look, it is gold. In this article, a classic, they are talking about staff accountability and boss delegation.  The boss always has more interest in keeping abreast of what staff are doing than the staff have any interest in their accountability. Missing sessions with the boss is a plus from their point of view, because they are not having to provide any answers about their results or lack thereof.  With a bit of deft scheduling change, they can go fo