Faith That Acts

Season 1 Episode 5 Mentors and Their Impact



Have you had an influential person in your life - one that stood by you, believed in you, built into you, maybe even helped shape your spiritual development and affirm you? I have. In Season 1 Episode 5 - Mentors and Their Impact, I speak about mentors who have impacted me for Christ and I am fortunate to have such men in my life. I speak to the committed role of a mentor, not a chance relationship with someone we look up to or who possesses a business skill or talent we want. Rather, it is an intentional relationship with someone whose values, spiritual maturity, and life skills we not only admire but they agree to this Christ-centered role in our lives and hold us accountable even when it may not be wanted or convenient. Be sure to listen and be encourage to foster or seek these meaningful relationships in your life.