Girls Can

Leading By Listening with Susan Boudreau



On this episode, Grace Swain has a candid and lively discussion with Mrs. Susan Boudreau, the president of Mobile Infirmary since 2015, where she also served as the chief operating officer and Vice President of Oncology. Mrs. Boudreau will share her advice for young women on how to get started in a healthcare career, leading with confidence, the benefits of hard work, the importance of listening, and learning to enjoy life's small things. Susan Boudreau Says: Work hard and be honest. But I will tell you, if people like you, you're better able to accomplish what you want because you accomplish things through others as a leader. And I know for myself it's not about me. I'm passionate about the field that I'm in and helping other people. That's what you got to find. What is it that you really enjoy and are passionate about? And if you can be paid to do that, that's fantastic. Susan Boudreau - Girls Can Podcast 1/26/23 More About Susan Boudreau Susan Boudreau has served as the president of Mobile Infirmary sin