Blue Skies

Music Mondays: You're Worthy



When Covid 19 struck, normal went out the window. For us, at PUMC, we developed a pre-recorded daily devotional and Sunday program to try and stay in touch with our members. As we moved further and further into the pandemic we looked for new ways to expand or enhance our services. Since we were limiting our exposure to people, I did something I had never done before - at least in any kind of serious fashion. I started singing. I had been using a lot of instrumental music I had created, along with my flugelhorn friend Lynn Nash, and occasionally our incredibly talented Noémi Lee on piano. But people get tired of nothing but instrumental music - at least I did so I wandered into those murky waters of recording myself. You have to understand that I live with an incredible singer, so I’m always intimidated when I play myself singing for her. Tricia, hmmm, let’s see here - that would bet Dr. Campbell not only is an incredible singer but she teaches voice for a living, so you can imagine how I was feeling about re