Michigan Business Network

Media Business | Trisha Schlegel - How the Media Deals with Economic Analysis



Originally posted January 17, 2023. Tony Conley welcomes Trisha Schlegel, an economic analyst for the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics within the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan. In their conversation Tony looks to find out from Trisha: 'Michigan’s Progress and Recovery: An Analysis of the Labor Market Since 2020'. What was the data source for the analysis? What was the most interesting information from the analysis? Why & how are Unemployment rates important economic indicators? How did Michigan do? The labor force is the combination of those who are employed and those who are unemployed but are actively searching for employment. How did Michigan do? Increase or drop? What did you learn about Payroll Jobs? Increase or reduction? Those with higher levels of educational attainment typically have lower levels of unemployment. Why? The labor market experiences of people of color follow other s