
Books on Becoming A Better Mentor (and Better Person): Bob Arnold



Sometimes you read a book and get a flash of insight - that “ah ha!” moment - about yourself and the ways you interact with others.  That happened to me when reading “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World.”  It helped me to understand and justify my interest in (this won’t surprise you) EVERYTHING related to geriatrics or palliative care.  Also hat tip to Matthew Growdon for recommending the book. Today we talk with Bob Arnold, who has a long list of recommendations for books that have the potential to generate an “ah ha!” moment.  The podcast is ostensibly focused on becoming a better mentor, but as you’ll hear, we discuss techniques that can help you cope with anxiety, stress, your spouse…the list goes on.  In reality, insights from these books can help you be a better teacher, a more curious person, as well as a better mentor or mentee. Bob urges you to buy these books from your local bookstore.  To that end, we’re not including links with the titles below.  Please shop locally. As a bonus,