Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's January 22, 2023 Weekly Weather



The New Year launches this week!  HAPPY bright and shiny 2023!!! Uranus stations to go direct!  All the planets are moving forward. Lots of quick, fast energy!!  Mars in Gemini is still out of bounds and forming a quincunx to Mercury continuing negotions!!   Jupiter and Juno meet up to form a partnership and get things rocking and rolling!!!  Neptune and Vesta partner to launch the next 13 years of dreams coming forward.  Venus and Saturn meet up in Aquarius for their annual union and start a new serious commitment energy.    Sun in Aquarius had a new moon launching the year of the water Rabbit.  The last water Rabbit year was 1963. Rabbit years are fun, frisky and full of adventure.  Time to join our rabbit hutch and find our next community.  There is a lovely new Moon at 1 Aquarius on Saturday, January 21 so make sure to do a new moon ritual to harness the fun energy of the week ahead.  Out of Bounds planets this week ~  Mars in Gemini, Pallas Athena and Lilith in Cancer!   We can go through it or we