Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's January 29, 2023 Weekly Weather



Tons of Activity this week as all planets are moving direct.  The beginning of the week makes decisions, the end of the week takes action. 2023 here we go!!!! Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and forming a mutual reception with Mercury in stern Capricorn. By being conscious. we can shift their energies into a new form.  That makes Mercury full of ideas in Gemini and we are able to take action with Mars exalted in Capricorn. Continue negotions and move it forward!   Sun in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini and squares Uranus to take action and make choices.  At the end of the week, we have a full moon on the same degrees as the eclipses in November 2022 wanting to resolve things. The New Moon in Leo on August 21, 2021 started the story which was tested on May 8, 2022. Now you see the story in it's ripeness. Uranus is involved and inviting you to make positive changes for the next chapter.  Venus exalted in Pisces has numerous aspects this week encouraging you to look through Rose colored glasses, ask for help a