Daily Emerald

Club Ducks: Rock Climbing Team



Club Ducks is back with another episode! Co-hosts Brennan Furber and Carlos Pimentel are joined by captain of the club climbing team Alex Jagielski, and climbers Jonah Temianka and Adam Duran. In the episode, we do a deep-dive on the sport that is "rock climbing," and hear about each climbers experience thus far with the club climbing team at the University of Oregon. UO Climbing Community Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/uoclimbingcommunity/shared_invite/zt-1i3gh26if-3D~fAdHvMNOKrSItsw1sEg UO Climbing Team Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uoclimbingteam/ Eugene Gear Collective: https://www.instagram.com/eugenegearcollective/?hl=en BIPOC Night at Elevation: https://elevationgym.com/bipoc/ This podcast was produced and edited by podcast producers Carlos Pimentel and Brennan Furber.