The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

500 The End Of The Driving Leader In Japan



Western leadership is a meritocracy where the most driven, talented, hardest working and ambitious are given the responsibility for those cannot make it to the top.  Everyone knows the rules and the system works pretty well.  The American version is at one end where the degree of ruthlessness is more pronounced and accepted.  Other Western nations have less stringent variations, but fundamentally follow the same basic ideas about who deserves to be a leader.  What happens when you put these leaders in charge of a Japanese team? The hero’s journey is not pronounced so much in Japan because the hero cannot make it alone.  Here the team is required to pull together as a unit and strengths and weaknesses are evened out across jobs and personalities.  The idea of 1 + 1 = 5 is often talked about in the West as a aspiration but in Japan it is the reality.  The component parts are harmonised and concentrated to get the results.  Individual requirements are not promoted above the good of the group. Landing into Tokyo