Real Crime Profile

#418: Where is Ana Walshe?



Ana Walshe, a 39-year-old mother of three boys ages 2, 4 and 6 and who was a successful real estate executive from Cohasset, Massachusetts, disappeared sometime after having dinner with her husband and a friend just this past New Year's Eve. She was reported missing by her employer, not her husband Brian Walshe, who claims he last saw her on New Year’s Day when she left for work that morning. Police were immediately suspicious of Brian’s story and we now know why. In today’s episode, we discuss all of the extremely disturbing findings that led police to arrest him for her murder — though at the time of this recording, her remains have not yet been found. But there is a bigger picture here, why are so many men choosing death over divorce? We see that in Laci Peterson’s case and so many others. Laura breaks down this epidemic of femicide. #WhereIsAnaWalshe #AnaWalshe #AnaWalsheisMissing #BrianWalshe #DivorceNotDeath #Femicide  #realcrimeprofile #Femicide #AtRisk #RedFlags #Lie