Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

2023 and ME with Holley Kelley



Welcome to the year of 2023 and ME! It’s a full-on New Year celebration for Aging Rebels with host, Holley Kelley! Join the FUNtabulous power-hour as we set our intentions for an amazing year and living life forward on our terms!It’s great to have a plan and that’s what we’ll be doing together in this episode as we get super-charged for living our best life now by putting our dreams on the front burner and fanning our flame of passion and purpose! But we don’t just think about our wishes, goals and dreams – we implement a plan for creating them and make personal pledges to bring them to reality!This is no ordinary year because we’re on a mission to make it EXTRAordinary, Aging GreatFULLy style. Tune in to discover the miracle of unstoppable YOU and be ready to decide what you want to be when you grow up because we’re leaving no one behind! We’ll be stomping out potential barriers that may hinder us from living fully and we tackle everything from mindset, negative thinking and the many excuses we make in life.