The Letters Page

Editor's Note #63



The first Editor's Note of a new year! Show Notes: Run Time: 1:18:33 We start off this Editor's Note by acknowleding that we spent a long time on the stream before we actually started recording this episode. Whoops? Consider joining The Letters Page Patreon to witness such events yourself! Here's the upcoming schedule: Tuesday, February 7th: Episode #238: Writers’ Room: Hostile takeover of Montgomery Industries Tuesday, February 14th: Episode #239: A romance the fans hated Tuesday, February 21st: Editor’s Note #64 Tuesday, February 28th: Episode #240: Writers' Room: The K.N.Y.F.E./Sky-Scraper arc in Cosmic Tales that's happening simultaneously with the Scholar/Count Barzakh story We also plug the other podcast that Christopher does with Paul, called the Play Greater Podcast. Check it out! Join us next time for us finally talking about Busybody?! Can that be?!?! Seems unlikely. Time will tell!