Ropes & Gray Podcasts

Women @ RopesTalk: Conversation with Mallory Capasso, Luxury Brand Partners



In this episode of Women @ RopesTalk, hosted by IP transactions partner Megan Baca, IP transactions partner Erica Han interviews Mallory Capasso, general counsel and vice president of legal and regulatory at Luxury Brand Partners (LBP), a company that develops and nurtures prestigious, artist-driven beauty brands. Mallory shares her experience moving from a law firm to becoming the only in-house counsel at LBP, where she handles everything from trademark policy to employment issues, corporate work, board work and privacy laws, to running the company’s regulatory department. Reflecting on the keys to success in this multi-faceted role, Mallory emphasizes the importance of communication, staying curious, nurturing a great culture, having mentors and role models—especially seeing other successful women—and having the courage and confidence to bring new ideas to the table and be a changemaker.