Michigan Business Network

Michigan Business Beat | BrightStar Care Franchisee of the Year, Chris Miller Overcoming Challenges!



Jeffrey Mosher welcomes Chris Miller, Franchise Owner BrightStar Care HomeCare, East Lansing, MI. Their discussion revolves around BrightStar Care Franchisee of the Year. Chris Miller had to overcome Auto-No-Fault Law change, pandemic & Difficult economic conditions. I understand you first worked for your family business in manufacturing and decided to make a change by getting into the home care business? Why did you make this decision? You started your business in East Lansing in October 2015 and today you operate four offices in Michigan. Tell us about that? You were named BrightStar franchisee of the year? Why were you recognized with this national honor? Like most businesses, the past three years have been difficult economically and your industry faced a new state law change. Tell us about your challenges. How have you been able to deal with the tight labor market? How has your business been able to expand during such difficult times? » Visit MBN website: www.michiganbusinessnetwork.com/ » Subsc