She Sesh

Finding Acceptance in Unexpected Places- Living with mental and chronic illness



Disclaimer- The stories you are about to hear are the personal experiences of each individual and the views expressed by guests are their own. Please listen with discretion as this series contains mature content that could possibly be triggering to some individuals. Mention of depression, suicidal ideation, medical trauma, sexual assault, disorder eating and other sensitive topics may come up. Please listen at your own discretion and remember this podcast is never meant to be taken as medical advice. This week host, Mariah, shares her very vulnerable and raw experience with mental and chronic illness. You might be surprised by what she has to say and how living with mental illness has actually helped her cope with endo life. Endometriosis doesn't come with a handbook on how to live with and no one knows what to do when so much of their life suddenly changes. Listen to part of Mariah's experience in reaching a new place of acceptance 3 years after her endometriosis diagnosis. If you are interested in being on