Your Mileage May Vary

Ghosted Again, MFF Threesome Demands, Doggystyle Options, Eating The Nut



In a nod to the ladies, we spend a considerable amount of time this episode discussing the experience of being "ghosted" after having sex with a man on the "third date." It seems like a painful but perhaps unavoidable experience. It also seems more likely to happen to someone the man doesn't want his friends to meet, or who is generally less attractive than his target demographic. I was inclined to title this episode, "The Ghost in the Cumbox" -- but I realized that wouldn't really make much sense, as we didn't really even talk about cumboxes. We did, however, discuss a particular woman's disgust with her man's semen. Is it the semen, or is it him? (It's him) We did not, however, discuss the fact that I got ChatGPT to write me a story about a woman somehow penetrating a man's penis during the act of sex. At first, I thought maybe it was talking about sounding, but then I realized it was just confused about how sex worked. If you want to hide somewhere and give your girlfriend oral sex while she's at work in s