Pedia Pain Focus

#92. Is Physical Therapy, The Panacea of Chronic Pain?



Have you ever had any of your patients say that they don't think physical therapy helps their pain? Or that the physical therapy made their pain worse? It would certainly not surprise me, if you said yes. And in that case, this is definitely is the episode you want to listen to carefully.  And if your answer to my question was no, this is an episode for you too, my friend. Because sooner or later you too will join this elite club with rest of us. However, this episode will give you the framework and tools to change that in your practice.  Learn it from our guest who magically rehabilitates patients debilitated by pain .    Kathleen Lynch, DPT joins us to share how she motivates her patients to do physical therapy and be fully engaged with it. She also shares strategies and tools that can be used in assessing patients if they are in need of physical therapy. Kathleen’s goal is to discharge physiotherapist patients to self care by educating more healthcare professionals and patients.    Worry no more about pati