Conrad Rocks

Imminent Death as Motivation



A calendar that shows how much time you have left. Using our imminent death as motivation to hear "Well Done!" Show Notes The imminent Death Calendar as a motivator; Not many blocks left; How long does transformation take?; Hezekiah and his extra 15 years; 2Ki 20:12-18 showing king of Babylon treasures; One day will be the last; Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days; Psa 39:4 LORD, make me know mine end; Mat 28:18-20 Great Commission; Baptizing and Making disciples; 2 Corinthians 5:10 Judgment seat of Christ; 2 Corinthians 5:10 Living in Jesus; John 8:31-32 Being disciples of Jesus today; Who are we disciples of?; 1Co 11:1 Imitate Paul as he imitates Jesus; John 12:24 Dying to bear fruit; The revelations were written down; Don't die with the music still inside; Links Alex Becker Dark Tactic Video Meaning of life podcast FIST LINKS: https://www.c