Strange Familiars

Wild Men of the Circuses and Asylums



Episode 31: Alison returns to talk with Timothy about historical wild men of a different sort (not bigfoot). Circus sideshow and dime museum "wild men" performers as well as unfortunate souls - itinerants, the insane, or simply people who wandered away from society, looked different, and were labeled "wild men" often out of fear. We talk about Houdini, The Wild Men of Borneo, the Fiji Cannibals, Eko and Iko, and other circus performers. We also discuss the strange and sad case of a York County "wild man" who eventually ended up in the County Alms House with the diagnosis "troubled with ghosts". If you would like to help us continue to make Strange Familiars, get bonus content, t-shirts, stickers, and more rewards, you can become a patron: The Strange Familiars Mothman t-shirt design is here: Episode 31 notes and links: The cover image is from Timothy's collection of wild man photographs