Burning Rooms

The Workplace & The Prayer Room



In this episode: Johan, Jehu, and Jessica discuss perspectives in having one foot in the prayer room and one in the workplace.   Listener Question: "What do you wish you knew before joining the house of prayer?"  -HOP lingo -What is the marketplace?  -Marketplace prayer meetings  -Validating the call to the workplace  -Role of the marketplace person  -The perceptions and dangers  -We are all priests whether we are in full time ministry or in the workplace  -How marketplace people feel they are perceived  -How to encourage those in the marketplace  -We all have vision  -What about those that feel stuck in their job?  -Encouragement for those that can't fully give themselves to the ministry/prayer room but feel called  -What can missionaries do to sow into those in the marketplace?  -Audio Clip: How important is the marketplace prayer meeting?  -Jessica's tips to stay engaged in prayer: "Meditate on an attribute of God"  -Whether you are in the prayer room or marketplace, the Lord has a