Amateur Movie Critics Podcast

Twilight Drinking Game Episode! (Rules in the description)



“So Redford serious question, you bangin muff now. You bangin some muff?…” For this special episode Red, Peter, and special guest host Forest do an in real time commentary on Twilight, while playing the Twilight drinking game. (Rules in below) THE RULES Take a drink when: Bella Shakes her head A vampire shows superhuman power Someone (vampire or human) is attacked Alice has a vision Take a Drink when someone Says: “Bella” “Forks” “Cullen” “Edward” Chug your Drink (continuously) whenever: Edward and Bella Stare at each other a vampire sparkles when Edward and bella are alone in a forest or meadow Finish your drink (or take a shot) when: Edward and Bella kiss If you see the cactus (Cactus Kun!!!) #happyfathersday #sorrymom #spongebob #hashtag #dafthappiness #cut #uncut #dickjokes #smokeweedeveryday #yaaas #yugiohog #bootswiththefir #jakeobwithhisshirtoff #taylorlautner #thanksmomforputtingmymiddlenameastaylor #applebottomjeans #byefelicia #mormons #redwillnotstophashtagging #mukbang #alchohalpoisoni